Category Archives: Childhood Cancer

853 days – more than half her life – and now she is DONE! She took her last dose of chemo this morning, then rang the bell, and we all joined in, celebrating this VICTORY! But it’s not our victory, this victory belongs to the Lord, because look…Look at what I AM has done. 

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about it. Most days it is a quick thought, something that doesn’t take root in my heart or my mind. But not always. And when I let that fear begin to take root, when I don’t leave it at God’s feet, I spiral.

It has come with us to nearly every single clinic visit and hospital stay. It has carried as few girls as one, and as many as seven. It has also held food, stuffed animals, toys, and water bottles. People know Brynna is coming before she even gets around the corner, because they hear the sound of the little stroller wheels on the tile floor. It has brought smiles to dozens and dozens of people. Brynna’s stroller.

Last weekend, we had a visit to the ER with Brynna. It wasn’t anything serious. It’s something that, for most kids, could have been accomplished with just a sick visit to a pediatrician, or maybe an urgent care…but not Brynna. It was just a reminder to me, to us, that we aren’t quite normal yet, and that it will be a good long while before we are. But, it was also such a reminder to me of how far she has come.