Category Archives: Childhood Cancer

When we sit back and hear what life could look like for Brynna after radiation, it’s heartbreaking. When we sit back and think about her relapsing and what that would look like, it’s devastating. Some choices in medicine are black and white – you must take this medicine or do this procedure to survive. Others, like this one, are the grayest of grays. There is no right answer. It feels like a lose lose situation, especially when you have to make this decision for your CHILD.

“She’s so brave, and she’s trying so hard…she’s only 2.” And just like that, our world shifted and we remembered. Continue Reading

How to Help

Childhood Cancer Series

Posted 10.30.2018 in Childhood Cancer, Leukemia Journey

A few weeks ago, I asked all of you in the social media world, if you had any questions about Continue Reading