Category Archives: Leukemia Journey

Maintenance. I can’t believe we’re actually here! Nearly 11 months of crazy intense chemo, bottomed out counts, and more clinic visits than I care to count. It’s funny, because at the beginning, and during most of our intense phases, I looked forward to maintenance as something “easy”, when the pressure would let off, when we would be able to get back to “normal.”

As we finalize our decision with the doctors over the next week, I thought I would share a little background Continue Reading

When we sit back and hear what life could look like for Brynna after radiation, it’s heartbreaking. When we sit back and think about her relapsing and what that would look like, it’s devastating. Some choices in medicine are black and white – you must take this medicine or do this procedure to survive. Others, like this one, are the grayest of grays. There is no right answer. It feels like a lose lose situation, especially when you have to make this decision for your CHILD.

Next Wednesday, January 30th, from 5-8pm, the Chick-Fil-A at Westchester Commons in Midlothian is hosting a Pack the House Event for Brynna! If you have been by there in the past couple of weeks, you may have noticed the murals on the windows, or our family pictures on the door. We are continually blown away by all they are doing to make this event the best it can be for Brynna!