Category Archives: From the heart


How life has changed 6 months after a child's cancer diagnosis

Posted 10.08.2018 in From the heart, Leukemia Journey

“You’re shattered Like you’ve never been before The life you knew In a thousand pieces on the floor And words Continue Reading

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Scripture Lullabies

Posted 07.26.2018 in From the heart, Leukemia Journey

In those awful, early days after Brynna’s diagnosis, one of my dear friends told me about the album of “Scripture Continue Reading

When Brynna was 2 weeks old, the stomach bug ravaged our household. I remember we had to push back our newborn photo session a couple of times, as it just took SO LONG for that nastiness to go away. After we pushed it back a 2nd time, I was so brokenhearted that she would be “so big” and “so old” by the time we had her session, that I had Ben take a few pictures of just me holding her (and I took a few of him as well).

I know in past blog posts, I have talked about the miracle that Brynna is, but I have just had it on my heart to share the absolute complete picture with you guys. Some of this will be things you’ve already heard, but I wanted to have it all written in the same place, for Brynna to read someday…and for us to look back on during the hard days ahead to be reminded of what God is doing.