Hospital Stay Round 2

Interim Maintenance I - 2nd Hospital Stay

Posted 09.05.2018 in Leukemia Journey

And just like that, we’re nearly half way through this current phase! It’s so crazy to me how fast time Continue Reading

A Family Summer

Summer with Leukemia

Posted 08.22.2018 in Leukemia Journey, Motherhood

As we end the near of summer, I’m ok with it, and ready for the next season (aside from the fact that it’s Fall and I love ALL things Fall). It’s been a very eventful summer, just not the kind we had imagined at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of summer, I was having a hard time dealing with what the reality of our summer was going to look like…knowing that things we had hoped and planned to do, things we just assumed we would do, etc., we couldn’t. It was a constant struggle and I found myself really having to take a break from social media some days because the envy of what other families were doing, just became overwhelming. But over the course of these past few months, I realize we’ve been given a gift. It may not seem like it at surface value, and it’s one that I do have to remind myself of, but it’s there nonetheless.

Cards for a Cause

Brynna Kate - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Posted 08.14.2018 in Personal

A couple of weeks ago, one of my sweet friends who works for Usborne Books, asked if she could do a fundraiser for Brynna, called Cards for a Cause and I said yes! I had just recently participated in the same fundraiser she had held for her sister, and the cards are AMAZING. Each box is $30, and comes with 30 cards and matching envelopes, but these aren’t just your generic, run of the mill dollar cards you can pick up at the store. These cards remind me of the $5, $6, or $7 Hallmark cards!

Praises and Recap

Interim Maintenance I - 1st Hospital Stay

Posted 08.13.2018 in Leukemia Journey

Oh my goodness, I have SO much to update y’all on, I’m not even sure where to start! I guess I’ll start with the best news, that her 2nd MRD test (the bone marrow test) came back completely negative, still zero cancer cells detected. HUGE PRAISE!!! The doctors told us that there hadn’t been anything along the way to show or hint otherwise, but they wanted to do the test again just because she is so high risk and her white blood cell count was SO high at diagnosis…and especially since we had nearly a 4 week delay (that means 4 weeks without chemo), they wanted to ensure nothing had crept back in. So, so, so thankful!!!